Monday, June 21, 2004

Frequency Rundown

So Saturday (19th) was the first Frequency @ the Underground event. The guys (Craig, Dan, and Dave) who performed did so great. They never cease to amaze me with their skills and heart. It made the night easier to handle knowing those guys were there and were capable of taking care of themseleves and had the same ministry heartbeat as we do.

The crowd was small -way small. And honestly it completely bummed me out. Lately the battle I fight is centered around crowd size. It seems like every club ug or electronic event I have ever been invovled in, never draws enough people to get the event out of the red. And for some reason as of late that has weighed heavily on me. I guess because I realize the numbers we need to stay open and moving forward. And I feel greatly responsible if the events don't help out money wise. But enough of that crap...

It was very cool to have Bryan and Greg join us for the event. My heart is to talk to people. See what they think of the place. Just start building relationships and the nights I am in charge that is kinda diffcult because you have 9 or 10 people who need direction and help. Plus you have to kinda keep an eye on everything. And it just makes it hard to sit down with someone and say hi. But having people who aren't on staff but who share the same ministry heartbeat is nice because you know they are watching people and talking to them. It is like I told Greg, I can't get to everyone but I know having them there increases the chances that someone will start a converstation with them.

But I will say this, Saturday made me realize something deep within me - but you'll have to wait for the next post for that.


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